Puca Sculpt fix


Puca has been reptopologized using a mix of zremesh and manual in maya. The original zbrush sculpt’s arms were far too close in on his chest and so the new model had to have the arms brought out the ways in order to give him full mobility and good shoulder rotation.

The greyscale – 

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The Wireframe – 

It was apparent quite quickly however than in the retopo process I had lost a lot of the character and shape from the model. The sharp edges and flat surfaces were gone.

Fixing The model

I brought the retopologized model back into zbrush in order to go over the surfaces and try and get some of the nice angles back. This process was a lot of jumping between maya and zbrush in order to achieve a natural looking model.

puca resculpt 2puca resculpt 3

In order to help me I drew directly onto photos of the model exactly where i wanted my edges to be. Here are examples of this

This was the result of this work in zbrush –


After doing this I looked at the silhouette of the model and made adjustments. Fixing the positioning of the horns and other features to give a better silhouette.


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I also compared my new model to the initial sculpt and drew on what edges I wanted to get back.

puca lines

After some work here were the improvements on the Arms…





too flat


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